
About Us


by Gedion Obwoge

Ritualistiq Intro

About us video


About Site

  • Ritualistiq is inspired by a strong sense of belief and conviction that we, introverts are the human versions of creativity goldmines. 


  • Through bespoke art and other entertainment disciplines, interwoven within relevant stories, we celebrate our uniquely awesome values. 


  • Life is way more breathtaking when someone somehow deeply understands how we feel without necessarily having to express the same verbally (especially when it involves that oh-so-special solitude). Let’s prove it together.





First things first, humour is a major part of my lifestyle. 


Happiness, I’m convinced, is not only an opportunity but also a responsibility and just like you, I’m an architect of my own.


Secondly, I relish:


•  Silence


•  Serenity


•  Solitude


•  Stoicism


Thirdly, I adore:


   •  Art:  


   •  Nature:  


   •  Puppies:  


 Sports and Fitness



I write stories and make art that resonates with the unique traits of an introvert.


I cherish what I do, whom I do it for (yes you), and why.


Like any other rational being, I ultimately comprehend and more importantly, respect the work-life balance phenomenon. From a rather unconventional viewpoint, however, I’m strongly inclined to solely focus on the life part. I believe that 'life' alone, when wholesomely lived, with all the fundamental and unique facets of an individual well observed, is more than enough.  


I trust that it’s in our best of interests that we strive to be involved in activities that perfectly dovetail and complement our peculiar personalities as often as is humanly possible.





  • We encourage constructive discussions and polite sentiments through the Introvibe section that appears right after every story. 


  • Meet like-minded members and interact through the Gazebo through confidential conversations.


  • Moreover, engage me in the Insomniaq section as we deduce thought-provoking topics of life and also have light moments, some related to my stories, some not necessarily so.