
  • Where can I find your social media links?

    Our social media links are available under the Contact Us section. Follow and engage us to stay connected and receive updates. Kindly note that the link to Tiktok is not available due to integration complications. You may, however, find us on TikTok where we go by the name Ritualistiq. We'd love for you to view our videos.

  • How can I contact your team?

    You can reach out to us through the Contact Us section where you'll find our contact information. Whether you have a question, complaint, suggestion or just want to say hello, we're always happy to hear from our audience. Don't hesitate to get in touch!

  • Does Ritualistiq have a physical location?

    No. Ritualistiq does not have a physical location at the moment.

  • What can I find in the About Us section?

    Our About Us section provides an overview of Ritualistiq and its purpose. You'll find information about our goals and our passion for storytelling. Explore our background to learn more about the inspiration behind our stories and Ritualistiq.

  • What is the purpose of the Notifications section?

    The Notifications section is designed to keep you updated on the latest happenings and releases regarding Ritualistiq. You will receive notifications about new stories, chat discussions, narrations and other exciting content. Upon registration, we shall also welcome you to Ritualistiq through te Notifications section. 

  • Can I access behind the scenes photos and videos related to the stories?

    Certainly! In addition to the narrated videos, we offer behind-the-scenes photos and videos featuring various aspects of story development and production. Get an inside look at how your favourite stories come to life. At the moment, this kind of content is available only on our YouTube channel and Social media accounts. We are, however, working on integrating the same into the website. 

  • What is the Teasers section about?

    Under Teasers, you can expect to find a glimpse of what a particular story will be about. You may relate it to movie trailers.

  • What is the Insomniaq section about?

    The Insomniaq section is a platform for the author to share thought-provoking ideas about introversion as well as general views about life. You may also come across some forms of light moments.

  • Who is included in the Gazebo’s default contact list?

    The Gazebo’s default contact list is inclusive of the Author, the Ritualistiq administrator’s account and brand partners.

  • Which are the default contacts in the Gazebo?

    The default contacts in the Gazebo are the contacts appearing on top of the page horizontally. They are meant to be easily identified by the members.

  • Who is in the Gazebo contact list?

    Every registered member can be found in the Gazebo in alphabetical order or through the search function.
  • How does the Gazebo work?

    The Gazebo enables members to have real-time conversations with each other. Members can send direct messages to each other whether to discuss topics about Ritualistiq or/and just make new connections with each other.

  • Can I interact with the stories posted on Ritualistiq?

    Absolutely! We encourage members to Rezonate, Give Sentiments in the Introvibe and Echo (share) the Stories. Your engagement helps us create a vibrant and interactive community. Feel free to express your opinions, ask questions, or share your unique ideas relevant to the stories.

  • Are the narrated videos available for all the stories?

    Yes, all stories are accompanied by narration videos. These videos offer an immersive experience as our professional narrators bring the tales to life. Watch and enjoy the stories in a whole new way!

  • Who can read and watch story narrations?

    Every registered member can read and/or watch the story narrations.

  • Who is eligible to register as a member to Ritualistiq?

    Only persons 18 years or older are eligible to register as Ritualistiq members.
  • How much does it cost to register/sign up as a member?

    Signing up to Ritualistiq is free.
  • What are the benefits of signing up for Ritualistiq membership?

    Registered Ritualistiq members can read and watch story narrations, chat in the Gazebo and interact with all forms of content by resonating, giving sentiments and echoing (sharing). They can also access all other functions that are accessible to non-registered members.
  • Can I update my profile on Ritualistiq?

    Absolutely! Once you have created an account, you can log in and update your profile at any time. This allows you to add information about yourself, upload a profile picture, and manage your preferences to enhance your overall experience.
  • Is signing up and logging in necessary to use your Ritualistiq?

    While signing up and logging in are not mandatory to access Ritualistiq, they provide several benefits. By creating an account, you can personalize your experience, update your profile, and participate in discussions and other forms of interactions. It also allows us to provide you with a more tailored user experience.
  • Who appears in the Gazebo contact list

    Every registered member appears in the Gazebo contact list and is able to interact with other members.